25 April 2011

Final Days

We officially move to Seattle a month from yesterday. And I am totally warring with myself. Part of me wants to be calm and excited and ready and the other part of me wants to have a melt down, break down, freak out, what-have-you. Ba! I am just gonna keep saying this. This is crazy. I can't believe it's happening.

So I absolutely LOVE roller coasters and can ride them for ever. I never get sick of flying and spinning and dropping threw the air. I told my ma for my birthday and zack's birthday we need to go to some amusement park before we leave because who knows when we ever will again. So last week we went to Great America.....annnnd let me tell ya. Six Flags trumps Great America.. I still had a lot of fun but I felt like I was at a washed-up old Carnival Park thing. It was weird. 2 stars. 2 stars. Here's some pictures ya'll.

mama bear in front of goliath

zack being brave and going on the drop zone thing. which i will never ever go on. it's funny because he looks really freaked out and i know he's not. caught at the perfect moment.

drop zone thing.

One thing Zack and I used to always do when we were dating is take a blanket to a park and just hang out for hours talking or reading or sleeping. Sometimes sneak wine out. It was our favorite, but once we got married we sort of stopped. Lately, we have been trying to do that again before we leave and I have been loving it. A few weeks ago we went out at night to a park and sat under the stars and chatted and then I dared him to streak. And then he dared me to as well. We kind of sat there laughing and then just jumped up and did! Actually, he did I sort of did. It was freezing. But it was so fun and makes you feel awake and amazing. And now we can say we did. Me, sort of.


he had a baby beard then.

happy monday.

19 April 2011


I just made homemade pizza with pineapple, pepperoni, and jalepenos. Zack and my favorite? Or mine favorite? Mine's? Oh well. Delicious and way less calories and fat then take-out pizza.
I actually cooked pizza and packed and the same time. We are more than half way done packing. The week we got back from Seattle and decided to move I immediately started packing...and that was in January. Call me crazy but it is way better to live in an apartment full of boxes for five months than rush to pack last minute when you realize move date came quicker than you expected. HA! Oh it's so weird to be moving in a little over a month. To a new state! Ah. I'm so nervous, anxious, and scared. But most of all excited. A new start. New people. New city. New restaurants. New church. New streets. I can't believe we are doing it. WE ARE DOING IT. I'm sure it doesn't sound like a big deal to most but come on! I'm young. Zack is young. We have never done something like this before and moved so far away from comfort. This is huge and exciting.
Ok.. I'm boring myself. Tomorrow. Great America.

17 April 2011

Good Heavens

I just have to give this blogging thing another try. Notice, I deleted all my past posts after a eight month absence. Eh. I am so wishy washy at times. I know I will just be doing what I did last time too. Type type type backspace backspace backspace. What does one even blog about anyway? What I did today? No? But I will.
Today I worked. I worked and ate bad food and saw my friend, Dree, who just gave birth to a baby boy Friday morning. A home birth I might add. She is a strong woman. But I had no idea the days/weeks after giving birth where so..hmm..let's just say you're husband betta love you even in your worst and MOST embarrassing times. Yikes. I am scared of that.
Welp, he is amazing and she is a warrior and dad is being a humble servant. :)

And this VIDEO is aamazing and makes me cry every time I see it. It's a home birth video and it's beautiful. It's totally PG.

Okay, that's all.