17 April 2011

Good Heavens

I just have to give this blogging thing another try. Notice, I deleted all my past posts after a eight month absence. Eh. I am so wishy washy at times. I know I will just be doing what I did last time too. Type type type backspace backspace backspace. What does one even blog about anyway? What I did today? No? But I will.
Today I worked. I worked and ate bad food and saw my friend, Dree, who just gave birth to a baby boy Friday morning. A home birth I might add. She is a strong woman. But I had no idea the days/weeks after giving birth where so..hmm..let's just say you're husband betta love you even in your worst and MOST embarrassing times. Yikes. I am scared of that.
Welp, he is amazing and she is a warrior and dad is being a humble servant. :)

And this VIDEO is aamazing and makes me cry every time I see it. It's a home birth video and it's beautiful. It's totally PG.

Okay, that's all.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, during preggo and post preggo sucks so bad. Husbands have to be grace-filled or they die hahaha. Lovie love love
